Shannon Corporon Coaching

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Spiritual Connection

This is where your power lies. 

Your connection to infinite love, wisdom, joy is ever present and who you are at your core.  I help my clients connect to the essence of who they are and to create a vision for their life.  In the process, you will break free from stories and blocks that keep you feeling disconnected to life, to joy, to inspiration.  You will discover a new way of being with God, Divine Love, Higher Power, Source that will change all parts of your life - your self-worth, your relationship with yourself and others, your perspective, your health, your finances, your joy, your peace - your  (you fill in the blank). 

It is inside of you and you are supported right now by Infinite Intelligence/Divine Love and eternal Truths.  I help my clients connect with the love that surrounds them and inside of them right now.  They know God/Universal Love is true but they don’t know how to fully access and experience this ever present power.  You are love, you are wisdom, you are joy. 
You are blessed and you are a blessing.

If you want to live that life, I can help you.  

Freedom and pure Love awaits you!