When people describe me, the thing I hear over and over is “Shannon is so good at seeing the good and expressing joy”. It feels like joy is my spiritual gift but when I think back on my life I definitely have spent time wandering around in negativity.
I grew up in a household where we focused on what we were grateful for but I remember dabbling in negativity in middle school, high school and the beginning of college. Towards the end of high school and going into college, I really started to recognize that I didn’t want to live the life those negative thoughts unfolded. I started to really understand that our thoughts create our experiences. By the time I graduated from college, I was firmly rooted in paying attention to my thoughts. I would notice my thoughts and ask “Are these thoughts I want to live?” If they weren’t then I would work toward changing them typically by applying spiritual truth to the situation or belief.
It wasn’t too long ago that I heard something that Brene Brown shared after conducting research on joyful people. She found the #1 thing people who were joyful had in common were they had boundaries. I had never thought of it this way but that totally resonated with me. That was what I had been doing - I had boundaries around the thoughts I allowed myself to think; I had boundaries around the time I spent filling myself up spiritually; I had boundaries around shows I would watch; I had boundaries around who I would hang out with; I had boundaries around conversations I would have or even be around.; I had boundaries/routines around my habit of writing at least 5 things I am grateful for before I went to bed every night; praying before bed; in the morning I woke up and focused on being grateful and expecting a blessed day.
Joy is my natural state. When I look at infants who have been cared for, I think joy is everyone’s natural state. Babies are joyful. Along the way, life, family beliefs, world beliefs and experiences draw us away from our natural joy. It is still there. I help my clients remember their joy and create habits to move them towards living a joy filled life.
Smile! Joy awaits you!