What in your life needs to transform?
I am a transformational life coach.
Explore how I help my clients heal and reconnect/discover their light.
The most important relationship you have is the relationship with yourself.
As we strengthen our relationship with ourselves, the relationships around us get so much better.
Next Steps & Transitions
Next Steps and transitions in life are scary and exciting at the same time. Once our vision and values are defined, we can walk into our next steps with clarity and inspired action.
Health is so much more than your weight, your diet and your ailments. Your health is a result of your thoughts, beliefs, stories, and actions. Lifelong health must be embraced - body, mind and spirit. Being at a weight that works for your body frees you from illness and just feels so good.
Here is the BIG BUT - if you haven’t made the emotional, mindset and behavioral changes from the inside out, then you will gain the weight back. I’ve experienced it. You have experienced it.
Amazing Self Worth
You are here because your heart and soul are ready to step into the blessing of you and of your life. You are loved, loving and so lovable. You might have stories that replay in your head that don’t make you feel good but you also have that voice that quietly says those stories are not true.
Spiritual Connection
This is where your power lies.
Your connection to infinite love, wisdom, joy is ever present and who you are at your core.
You may not be able to see it or feel it now but a new, blessed chapter of your life is unfolding. You get to create the life you want to experience. You will reconnect with the love inside of you, the joy inside of you, the excitement inside of you, the life that lights you up. It is all coming.
When we investigate your challenges, limitations, stories, thoughts and actions, we gain so much valuable knowledge to transform from the inside out. This new insight allows you to create an abundant, confident mindset. Through inquiry, compassion, understanding, vision, strategy and inspired action, you will transform your career into work that lights you up and blesses your life.
What’s Your Need?
What’s your need? Where do you feel stuck? Where in your life do you want to go from OK to GREAT?
Start your journey
Are you excited and nervous? That means you are ready for transformation!
Life is happening for you. It may not always feel like it but life is guiding you toward your deepest desires. I can help you be truly present and guide you to listen to your inner wisdom as you create a vision which leads to the life that lights you up.
Our struggles are information to help us wake up from the limiting stories we believe are true.
The truth is you were born more than enough. I will help you allow this truth to lead your thoughts and actions.
You feel so much pain because you are believing a lie about yourself and your situation. When you are living your life from a lie, it is going to hurt.
We will get to the root of your blocks in your subconscious, learn from them and create new patterns of thought and action so you can finally step into the free, empowered, blessed you.