
Health is so much more than your weight, your diet and your ailments.  Your health is a result of your thoughts, beliefs, stories, and actions.  Lifelong health must be embraced - body, mind and spirit.  

A Healthy You

Feeling healthy is not just the absence of illness; it's the harmonious interplay between our minds and bodies. Storing negative emotions, such as fear, stress, and anger, can disrupt the body's natural healing processes. Unresolved emotional issues and negative thought patterns can manifest as physical symptoms.

In our work together, we will explore the connection between your thoughts, emotions, and physical well-being. Through self-awareness, aligning to your highest self and compassion for yourself, you will uncover and transform the mental and emotional blocks that contribute to ailments in your body. As you bring harmony to your mind and spirit, your body’s innate ability to balance and heal itself is allowed to be manifested.

Weight Loss

I am a certified Optavia health coach.  Optavia has created an amazing, scientifically proven nutrition based weight loss program that works every time it is followed by the book.  I lost 25lbs at the age of 51 after struggling my whole life trying to exercise my way to weight loss.  Exercise is fabulous for your body, mind and spirit but what you put in your mouth determines if you will lose weight.  Being at a weight that works for your body frees you from illness and just feels so good.  

Here is the BIG BUT - if you haven’t made the emotional, mindset and behavioral changes from the inside out, then you will gain the weight back.  

I’ve experienced it.  You have experienced it.  

My clients develop strategies and habits that support health but our more important work stems from understanding what is behind our words, beliefs, stories and behavior.  This is where the change for a lifetime happens.  

Some of my clients work through my self-paced Optavia plan while I am coaching them to investigate their subconscious programming and stories.  Other clients start with the programming, blocks, patterns and stories. Some naturally loose the weight once we have transformed the real issues and others jump on Optavia for a system to follow so they don’t have to think about food.  Some of my other clients and I work together to create a balanced, portion control new way of eating.

If you are willing to investigate your blocks and stories, love yourself, be consistent, and take action then freedom awaits you!!!!  Let’s do this!

My Optavia Page


Next Steps & Transitions


Amazing Self Worth